When you join the Indian Armed Forces you don’t get just an ordinary career. You get an extraordinary life. A life where adventure, honor, glory are a part of the day’s work. Where you are one among a million and one in a million. A life where you go onto the path of becoming the biggest asset of nature. So, gear up to change your life forever. Gear up to be a part of the Indian Armed forces. The Indian Armed forces are looking for a handful of leading youngsters.
People with intellect, grit, determination and courage. People with a fire in their belly. So, if you have an insatiable desire to go to unthinkable places and do things mere mortals can’t even think about, the Indian Armed forces are looking for you.

Why to join the Indian Armed Forces?
As a Defence Person, you will be heir to a glorious heritage, to timeless traditions, blended perfectly with the latest latest technology, training techniques and strategic doctrines.
You will be a part of one of the world’s finest armed forces. Trained not just to be an officer but a soldier’s soldier.
This is one place where professional growth takes place at every step. Nowhere else will you get such phenomenal opportunities to constantly upgrade your skills.
The armed forces are running prestigious academies and institutions. From engineering colleges to Medical College and from administration to strategy, from armament technology to management. You name it and you have it.
“Some goals are so worthy, its glorious even to fail”.
-Captain Manoj Kumar Pnadey PVC 1/11 Gorkha Rifles
The career in the armed forces provides a good status, good pay and perks. It provides job security but it is challenging, adventurous and offers disciplined life. In addition, it provides fair and equal promotional opportunities. Persons with right aptitude can rise up to the top. It teaches you professionalism and helps in nation building. One can serve in the country as well as abroad. Men with consistency, right approach, right direction, proper motivation, positive attitude, patience will contribute to their success.
Apart from above attractions and great lifestyle you have finest clubs, hospitals, golf courses, schools, colleges, polo facilities, mountaineering, river rafting, gliding, tracking, skydiving, para – sailing, shooting, riding, swimming, skiing etc. Many more adventurous activities are offered with a healthy life and healthy environment. You, Your family and children will get an opportunity to travel across the country and possibility even abroad. Meet and interact with the highest minds from a different field.
Can one really plan and prepare for one’s career? Obviously, the answer is yes. One should prepare a career plan and become successful. Those who plan have better chances of success.
A job is not a career and this distinction must be kept in mind. Your job is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end, which is your career. Your career belongs to you. Your job belongs to your employer. Career is an integrated lifelong plan of earning while a job, one may hold at a particular time.
A Scientific approach is essential in career planning to check your aptitude for army, navy and air force. Then, check what have I done for my career search? Then, identify and analyse your needs. Ask; What are the possible opportunities in life available and how can I en cash them.
What are the possible alternatives available during my career plan?
The most important and difficult factor before choosing a career is to find out the strength and weakness of oneself. Here one has to understand and analyze both the strength and weaknesses in one’s personality traits and environment. Self-assessment regularly motivates a person to acquire some essential needs in job skills. These may be adequate communication skills, stress management techniques, general ability to forecast the work climate of future, meeting the intellectual level, aptitude and attitude requirements. One should opt for an organization and profession which matches his strength. This is where one’s skill is tested.
Remember once you set your career, you set a time frame to achieve it. This would help in identifying your role and help you to decide short-term and long-term goals and your commitments constantly to review them. This will also act as a reminder to you as to what you have accomplished and how you are progressing. This amounts to progress monitoring of life goals with the action plan.
The success in career will depend upon self-development and self-motivation. Develop basic skill in job, ability to get along with people, urge for self development, quest for excellence, sensible contingency plans, analytical ability, organizing ability capacity for hard and sustained work, leadership qualities, depth of knowledge, vision, imagination, proper decision making, curiosity, intelligence, interest in what’s happening around, candid, mental flexibility and positive nature.
The earlier you set your clock on career planning, the better you will grow. Leading unplanned career is like a game of Football without a goal, neither interesting to players nor to the viewers. Your chances of success in a planned career are far greater than in an unplanned career.