“Doon Defence Academy” (DDA) was founded by Ex-Submariner Sandeep Gupta, Indian Navy (retd) in the year 2005. Under his excellent leadership, the well renowned Sandeep Sir’s Doon Defence Academy is motivating, inspiring and guiding our young generation to join the Indian Armed Forces and the Merchant Navy. The aim of DDA is to impart quality education to its students who are guided to qualify for a job in the defence sector after completing their high school certification. DDA is one of its kind in India. Here, we have structured the courses in a manner so as to cater to the needs of all kind of students.
DDA is one of the leading Coaching Institutions of India. It is located in Dehradun. Here, the trained and experienced faculty prepares the candidates for NDA, CDSE, INET, MNS, OTA, AFCAT, SSB-Interview, Recruitment Exams of the Army, Navy (AA/SSR) and Air Force (Group ‘X’ & ‘Y’), Indian Coast Guard, Merchant Navy Written Test, Deck Cadet Interview, Company Sponsorship Exam, B.Sc Nautical Science & Marine Engineering Test and our Foundation Course namely “Pratham Pag” which is a new academic course meant for High School certified students of CBSE who are willing to opt for PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) in their XI and XIIth.
Student Selected
Welcome to “Doon Defence Academy”. Be brave, be bold and honest. No obstacle is insurmountable. Once mind is made up and you stand firm as rock, no one can stop you from achieving your goal and crowning you with success. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Boys, if you need a job immediately after 10+2 or if your parents can’t afford your higher studies or if you are not interested in Engineering / Medical then DDA is absolutely the right place for you. You have taken a wise decision to join “Doon Defence Academy” for a bright career in Defence, Merchant Navy and Foundation Course. DDA has the best infrastructure, learned faculty with vast experience, supporting staff, excellent study material and highest selection ratio in India.
Dear Students / Parents, think beyond Engineering or Medical. If you are not interested in doing Engineering think about joining Indian Armed Forces or Merchant Navy. भेड़चाल में न पडो, think differently and practically because now a days there is no value of Engineering until and unless you have not done it from IIT’s or NITS. Engineering करके छोटी.मोटी नौकरी अथवा Bank Clerk की जॉब से अच्छा है, Join Defence or Merchant Navy and start a dream career immediately after 10+2. THINK ABOUT IT. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can, come and join DDA, Doon Defence Academy and it is sure to lead you to the path of success.
Advantage of DDA with special Features
The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security and unity, defending the nation from external aggression, threats of attack and maintaining peace and security within its borders.
The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. Its complements of personnel and aircraft assets rank fourth amongst the air forces of the world. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during armed conflict.
The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral, commands the navy.
Once again we want to bring it to the notice of every person who is concerned with “DOON DEFENCE ACADEMY” that “DOON DEFENCE ACADEMY” is not a recruitment cell or a manning agency. Neither it is a Maritime Training Institute which gives any kind of certificate nor is the Institute associated as an agent of any company or Institute. It is a coaching Institute which prepares the candidates for written Test and Interview for various opening for Deck Cadets / TME / GME and SEO. Selection in Merchant Navy is absolutely free and fair. No money is required to be paid to any one for selection. Please do not be misled by any one. As far as the training is concerned the cost of training is to be borne by the candidates. For more information about this please contact the concerned authorities or log on to our website.
New Batches Schedule for NDA, CDSE, OTA, AFCAT, AGNIVEER, MERCHANT NAVY | 2022 – 23 |
With 17 Years of Trust & Success, DDA has made its mark. Read the reviews of the Parents’ & Students’
One More DDA Diamond Anuj From Sonipat Haryana Got Recommended For 148th NDA Course
Admissions Open at Sandeep Sir’s Doon Defence Academy for the Academic Year 2022-23
Best Offline NDA/ CDSE/ OTA| Army/ Navy/ Airforce/SSB| Foundation institute of India | Sandeep Sir’s
DDA Diamonds are everywhere | more than 10500 selections in last 17 years | Best offline coaching ?
Have a Look At Study Material With Our Deputy Director Divya Aswal Gupta and Know More About DDA Books.
DDA Student S Deepankar Recommended From AFSB, Gandhinagar Shared His Experiences With Our Students
Location of Sandeep Sir’s Doon Defence Academy in Dehradun | Pay Attention | Nakkalo se sawdhan
The motto of Doon Defence Academy is to serve the Country First.
Every year more than 5000 students enroll themselves for different career options and DDA has given more than 10500 selections in last 18 years.
Now it’s your turn…